18th. April 2015
Proposal: Outline application for the erection of 20 no dwellings with associated access road (demolition of the existing club)
Location: Stillington Social Club,Stillington,Stockton-on-Tees
Associated documentation can be viewed online athttp://www.developmentmanagement.stockton.gov.uk/online-app… - Stillington
Members of the Planning Committee will be visiting the site on 21/04/15 at 13.15.
At the site visit the Planning Officer will briefly describe the proposal and outline the main issues solely for the benefit of Members. The purpose of the site visit is to enable the Members of the Planning Committee to gain a full appreciation of the application site and its relationship with the surrounding area. The Planning Committee will not entertain any representations being made at the site visit.
The opportunity for interested parties to make representations is at the Planning Committee meeting. A decision will not be made at the site visit but at the subsequent Planning Committee meeting which will be held in The Jim Cooke Conference Suite, Stockton Central Library, The Square, Stockton on Tees, TS18 1TU. The meeting is open to the public and will commence at 1.30pm on 22/04/15
14th.April 2015- garden waste collection starts 14th April for Stillington
24th March 2015
Jonathan Kibble (SBC) rang today to say they have recieved approval from Traffic Commisioners for Stagecarriage to operate the 84 Stillington to Stockton service , so bus service is now secured - thank goodness, we can breathe easy for a while, think we owe our gratitude to Stagecarriage for filling in the gap Saturday and Monday as well as Jonathan for being on the ball at such short notice
10th March 2015
Leven valley bus service.
I have spoke to SBC Transport Manager today on the phone, The Leven Valley bus service will cease no later than Friday 20th March. (the Company is closing down).
there has been no prior warning of this and SBC are aware of the serious consequences for a lot of people, they are in discussion with another bus company to try and secure a continued service to the villages and hope to know within a few days if they are successful,
As soon as I know the outcome I will post on here to try and get the word out to people quickly, please share this and let as many know as possible to try and alleviate a little of the worry, all is not lost yet, can I also say that the Parish Council will all be working on your behalf on the matter and if needed looking for your support - Judith Turner
21st March 2015 11 pm. Chapel Gardens, Stillington - unveiling of Blue Plaque, Sir Anthony Carlisle born Stillington 1768
Read more at www.swpc.btck.co.uk/News/BluePlaqueforSirAnthonyCarlisle
1st Tuesday of each month Excluding August - 7pm - Stillington Community Centre
All welcome, if you are interested or have anything to bring to the Parish Councils attention please come along
Planning permission was granted today for the Allotment Site with condition that the new Allotments are prepared first so that site holders can move on before building works starts, also 19 houses will be 'tenant housing and we were assured that priority would be given to local people,
Planning permission has not been approved yet for the new allotments but should be coming up soon, then the development will be able to commence.
Starting Mon 3rd Nov 2014 at Stillington Community Centre
Beginners Pilates Monday 11.45am – 12.30pm £12 for 4 weeks or £4 per class
Lunchtime Express Workout Monday 12.45pm – 1.15pm £2.50 per class
Legs, Bums n Tums Thursdays 6pm – 6.45pm £3 per class
Aug 2014
Proposed change of use of vacant land to allotment gardens (sui generis)
Land North Of Existing Allotment Gardens Stillington TS21 1JX
Aug 2014
Stillington Social Club Stillington Stockton-on-Tees TS21 1JP
June 2014
Land North Of South Avenue Stillington TS21 1JX
June 2014
Outline Application for erection of up to 54 houses
Land East Of Jasper Grove Morrison Street Stillington
Aug 2014 - granted with conditions that Design and Access concerns are addressed
All Applications -
(For those who are not sure of steps to take 1- Stillington, 2- Proposal 3 -Documents associated 4 - Design and Access statement)
June 2014
Planning permission has been granted for change of use for The Old Vicarage - conversion to a Residential Home for children with Special Educational Needs --(Stockton Borough Council in partnership with Spark of Genius)
Fri 27th Dec 2013
Good news for sports in the village - Planning permission has been granted for a Multi Use Games Area known as MUGA Court (suitable for various Ball Games) to be built on Mount Pleasant Plaing Field, Stillington, the next step is to look for funding of approx 80k
2014 Stillington Industrial Estate Action Group Next Meeting -
2014 Western Parishes Ward Surgeries 7:00PM - 8:00PM
Contact Detail Email:afsegg@hotmail.co.uk Telephone | 0778 529 3416 |
War Memorial service
World War One Commemoration Service will be held at Stillington War memorial on Monday 4th. Aug 11.00am - 100 years from war declaration.
149 local lads went to serve and 36 aged from 17 to 34 yrs did not come back, the ones who did had to live with the injuries and trauma of it,
I have been trying to research the ones remembered on the memorial and have got details, service and census records for most but have come to a grinding halt on 4 of them - Albert Challis, Thomas Harris, M Ward, Albert Richard Wright.
if anyone knows anything about them I would really appreciate any leads
What I have done so far will go in the Church as a record for anyone to see, - perhaps you have a relation amongst them and would be interested.- it will be put in St John's church on Monday (open all day)