Local Planning Authority: Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council
Postcode of nearby property: TS21 1JY
Site status: Operational. Construction was completed in late 2016
Number of turbines: 4
Tip height: 125m
Electricity generation capacity: Up to c2MW per turbine. Up to c8MW in total.
Lifetime of the wind farm: 25 years
Community engagement: A local liaison committee meets regularly so local residents can raise any issues with the operation and maintenance of the wind farm
History: Planning permission was granted by Stockton Borough Council’s planning committee on 7 December 2011. A liaison committee for the site was set up in February 2016 to allow information to be given to and from Banks and the local community. Construction of the wind farm began in March 2016 and the wind farm became fully operational early 2017
Key Benefits:
• Potential to contribute to UK targets for renewable electricity generation in line with government aims, in an area identified as being suitable for wind farm development
• An indigenous, secure and reliable source of energy at a time of rising international energy prices and increasing instability of supply
• Investment in the local economy during construction of the wind farm, with opportunities for employment
• Establishment of a community development fund which will be targeted at local communities. This could be used to improve local facilities through working with existing community groups and also to improve energy efficiency and implement micro renewable generation, particularly to reduce fuel poverty
• Improvements and enhancements to Stillington Forest Park have been agreed and will be delivered from Autumn 2016 for 25 years
Community fund
The Lambs Hill Wind Farm Community Fund is now available for local groups and organisations to apply to, for more information on the Lambs Hill Wind Farm Community Fund, click here.
Before applying for a grant
Applicants MUST contact James Eaglesham, Fund Manager at the CDCF, before applying for a grant. Tel 0191 378 6342 or email james@bankscommunityfund.org.uk
APPLY HERE: Grant applications have to be made on line via the County Durham Community Foundation (CDCF) website.