Public Meeting Regarding the Withdrawal of Subsidies for Bus Services in Stockton-on-Tees – 15th January 2013
District Cllr. A Stephenson (Chair) District
Cllr. J Beal
District Cllr. B Cook District
Cllr. K Lupton
Parish Cllr J Turner
R McGuckin – SBC – Head of Technical Services
J Kavanagh – SBC – Public Transport Manager
123 Members of public attended the meeting
Apologies for absence were received from TVRCC, Alex Cunningham MP, District Cllr McGurkin and District Cllr Ahmed.
Cllr. Turner welcomed the Councillors and SBC Officers to the meeting.
Cllr. A Stephenson read out various pieces of correspondence relating to the subject matter to be discussed.
The panel were asked if they could explain the reasons for the withdrawal of the subsidies to the members of public present.
R. McGuckin explained that as cuts had been made to SBC fund from central govt. the elected members for SBC have had to make some difficult decisions. He ensured everyone present was aware that Councils do not run bus services and have not done so since the 1980’s. Since then SBC has subsidised non-profitable bus routes to maintain bus services throughout the borough. Currently £300000 a year is spent on subsidies. This funding will cease on 31st March 2014.
SBC Officers have started to work with communities who will be affected by the withdrawal of subsidies to try and come up with alternative solutions. SBC have allocated £400000 for 2014/15 to be used to kick start community transport projects. Parish Councils and other community groups will be able to bid for a portion of this money to use in their area.
R. McGuckin said he had some positive news from Arriva. He had received notification earlier that day that Arriva are planning to continue a bus service from Stillington to Stockton Centre from April 2014. It is envisaged that the service will go via Redmarshall and Hartburn but other than that the route had not been determined. It may not go via the Horse and Jockey roundabout so may not provide access to Tesco and North Tees Hospital. The finalised route will need to be registered 56 days before the service starts.
Cllr. K Lupton stated that this would alleviate some concerns but until the route is finalised only so much can be clarified.
A member of public stated that SBC should have a moral obligation to prevent communities from becoming isolated.
J Kavanagh stated that the threat to the bus services is not a new problem for this area. In 2011 subsidies were reduced and SBC were able to retain most services to some extent but now that the full subsidy is to be withdrawn this will not be possible. Most other local authorities withdrew subsidies two or three years ago, SBC is unusual in that is has managed to support the bus services until now.
J Kavanagh explained that bus operators can reduce the frequency or change the route of a bus service – this is their decision, not the decision of SBC. He agreed that the announcement from Arrival about the new bus service reduces the scale of the problem for this area – but may not solve the whole problem.
J Kavanagh explained that the No. 6 service that currently serves Stillington and the other villages is only partially subsidised. The route through the Villages is a commercial service. He explained that other bus companies may be interested in operating in this area but we will not know about any intentions until 2nd February – 56 days before the subsidy stops on 31st March.
Cllr. B Cook explained that £54 million, 44% of the SBC budget, had to be cut between 2010 and 2016. To date £34 million has been saved but more needs to be done.
Cllr. Beal explained that the funding that SBC has left needs to be targeted to fund services for the most vulnerable people – children and the elderly – along with funding all of the statutory services that the Council has to provide. He continued to say that the withdrawal of the subsidies is not just a problem for the rural areas; parts of Stockton are affected also.
Cllr. Stephenson asked for questions from the floor:-
Q. Why is so much money being spent in Stockton town centre? What happens to the money accrued from
parking fees and fines – isn’t this ring fenced for use for transport?
A. The money being used for work in the
town centre is capital money that cannot be used to fund revenue projects such
as supporting public transport. There is ring fenced money but this largely
goes towards payments for concessionary fares – SBC has to find £4.5million to
cover the costs of these every year.
Q. SBC say they will fund provision for the
elderly and children – these are the people who need the buses the most. In Carlton
people use the bus to access the services they need – eg healthcare.
A. SBC Officers will work with
communities to try and find solutions to any problems caused by withdrawal of
any bus services. For example the
purchase of a minibus or extension of The SBC current Community Transport
Service may be required – an example was given of how this has happened
successfully in Thornaby.
Q. Is the £400000 allocation for one year only?
A. Yes – this fund is to kick start
projects, after that a community will have to take on the management of the
project themselves.
Q. How many routes are currently subsidised by
A. All subsidised routes were listed –
about 17 in total. Some are only
partially subsidised. It was reinforced
that a service from Stillington will continue in some shape or form.
Q. Has SBC got large reserves and, if so, what
is this money for?
A. SBC does have reserves. They have to have a contingency budget in
case of any major incidents. They insure
themselves so need reserves to meet any claims.
SBC runs a large fleet and vehicles are renewed using the reserve
funds. SBC needs to invest to save – eg
current plans are to renewing street lighting throughout the Borough –this will
cost £14 million but will save money over the long term
Cllr. Lupton added that he feels that SBC cannot allow communities to become isolated but he is currently happy with the way things are progressing – working towards community transport provision and talking to the bus operators. Councillors will have to decide over the next few years how to allocate a reduced budget.
Q. Have any other bus companies shown an
interest in running a service from Stillington?
A. If Arriva pulled out of this area
then it is likely that another company will be interested in this route. Bus companies decide where they want to run
services, SBC has no influence over this.
Cllr. J Turner informed the panel of the concerns about access to health services. If the route changes, access to North Tees Hospital will not be possible by public transport from Stillington or the other villages, also some people use public transport to access the surgery in Stillington. There is concern that if these people find it easier to travel elsewhere the number of patients registered at Stillington will decline – this may put the surgery at risk.
Q. Why do some areas seem to have more buses
than they need and why? If a bus breaks down elsewhere, is the no. 6 service
bus transferred to that route?
A. These questions can only be answered
properly by the bus companies. Anyone is
welcome to attend the next Public Transport Forum on 15th February
to put questions of this nature to the managers of the bus companies. SBC has some influence with the bus companies
because of the amount of funding they provide for the concessionary fares but
SBC does not have any legislative powers over the companies.
It was stated that at the public transport forum Arriva and the other companies listen to people’s concerns but do not do anything to rectify or improve matters.
Q. Money has been spent on improving bus stops
so that disabled people can get onto a bus – but in some cases wheelchairs
cannot get to the bus stops. What will be
done about this? An example of this problem was given.
A. R McGukin agreed to look into the
matter and ensure that the problem was rectified.
The Chair of the Public Transport Forum provided more details about the next meeting in February.
Q. Cllr. Turner asked SBC could apply for
funding to subsidise bus services – possibly from the fund that they secured
£4.5million from to improve the railway stations?
A. This finding was secured for capital
projects – investment in physical infrastructure. Revenue funding cannot be accessed through
this fund. If any sources of funding do
become available then SBC will look to secure funds.
Q. If another company is interested in providing
a bus service can SBC choose which operator takes on the route?
A. No – SBC does not run contracts for
bus services.
Q. Will the results of the questionnaires that
people have completed be made public?
A. Yes, once analysed results will be
given to community representatives to pass on to people in their area.
Q. How are young people supposed to travel to
A. The withdrawal of the subsidies is
not a decision that has been taken lightly.
The survey results should indicate when transport is required and will
help to shape future transport initiatives that could alleviate some of the
Q. How will the £400000 be split between the
communities that need it? Will community
initiatives work? Dial a Ride is
currently struggling with shortages of drivers and buses.
A. The surveys will identify community
need and once the results are available decisions can be made about how the
funds are split.
Q. Will all subsidised services be lost?
A. Some are higher risk than others but
currently we do not know what the bus operators are planning.
Q. Can people pay for travel rather than
receiving free concessionary travel?
A. No – legislation is in place which
prevents any payments from being made at all.
Cllr. Turner tabled a motion for SBC Councillors to take on board the needs of residents and reconsider decisions or find other funding to alleviate the threat of isolation from public services
Cllr. Stephenson and Cllr. Turner thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting.